This week over at
A Bowl Full of Lemons Toni has us sharing how we organize our kitchens. Mine is still in remodel stages but I do have the cabinets organized. I'm hoping in the next few weeks to be completely finished with the remodel and will share full pics then. But for now here is how I have things organized right now.
My white china is in an upper cabinet. Bought a wire divider to help add more storage space.
Here are glasses, cereal bowls and soup mugs.
The Lazy Susan holds all the spices and baking supplies.
Oh and the sandwich storage baggies
Food pantry- Top is for breakfast items, second shelf can goods and larger boxes using a wire shelf to give me more storage area, third shelf is pasta, puddings, soups and the bottom houses my large containers of sugar, flour, cornmeal plus onions and potatoes.
I use a wire shelf storage basket in here as well to hold season packets. Candy Cane Kisses! How did those get there?! Better question how do I still have any left lol
Under the kitchen sink I installed the wire storage basket to hold foil, plastic wrap and wax paper.
"Tupperware" containers are above the stove, I have more they are just in the dishwasher :)
To the right of the stove are liquid measuring cups, oils, ciders and
on top shelf dessert cups and shot glasses that my sister has brought me when she travels.
On the left side of the stove is the coffee station with filters, coffee, creamer and of course cups.
Dry measuring cups hang next to the sink for easy access ( I use them alot)
Thanks for stopping by and having a look at how I organize my kitchen!